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Ezekiel Emanuel and Bob Kocher: Don't Repeal the Cadillac Tax

SURPRISINGLY, there appears to be one small area of bipartisanship in Washington: the desire to repeal the so-called Cadillac tax. It is a tax on super-expensive health insurance plans provided by some private companies to their employees. The tax would be paid by employers who sponsor these high-cost plans.

In 2018, it is scheduled to be the final aspect of the Affordable Care Act to go into effect. Republicans desperately want to show they can repeal some aspect of the health care law. Under pressure from unions, some Democrats, now including Hillary Rodham Clinton, want to eliminate or postpone the Cadillac tax, too.

Rather than a triumph of bipartisanship, this would be a big mistake, for a number of reasons. In its first eight years, the Cadillac tax will raise some $91 billion. Repeal it and politicians — if they are being fiscally responsible — will have to find other sources of revenue rather than add to the deficit.

But more important, the tax makes sense. It was imposed to counter the negative effects of the government subsidy of company-paid health insurance. We can't get rid of that subsidy, but we can reduce its impact. The subsidy was encoded in law in 1954, when Congress passed an act making an employer's contribution to the premiums for workers' health insurance tax-free. This legislation gave employers an incentive to expand health insurance. Today, about half of all Americans get their insurance through their employer (or the employer of a relative) — and benefit from the tax exclusion.

But the subsidy has created serious problems. For one thing, it is hugely regressive. The rich receive nearly triple the financial benefits from the tax exclusion than those with lower incomes because they are taxed at a higher rate and tend to have much more expensive health insurance. The health care tax exclusion is the single largest tax break in the United States, reducing federal revenue by more than $250 billion per year.

By providing an incentive for the purchase of ever-more-generous health insurance, the tax exclusion has been a major driver of health care inflation. By covering more services, offering more choices and lowering the costs people experience, expensive plans encourage people to use more health care services and, when there are options, more expensive services.

For instance, patients might use the emergency room for sore throats, or go to specialists instead of their primary care physician to adjust their blood pressure or thyroid medications, because their more generous insurance plan lowers the cost of using these expensive options.

This is no small matter. According to several economists' recent analyses, the tax exclusion may account for a more than 30 percent increase in health care spending for those with employer-sponsored insurance, because of this incentive to use more health care services.

In thinking through health care reform, President Obama supported reform of the tax exclusion because of its central role in fighting the scourge of health care inflation. He and his congressional allies recognized that the health care law needed to combine modifications to Medicare and Medicaid with changes in the private sector to effectively fight inflation.

The Cadillac tax levies a 40 percent excise tax on the portion of total health insurance premiums that exceed $27,500 for a family in 2018 and $10,200 for an individual. By way of comparison, in 2015 average premiums in employer-sponsored insurance for a family are $17,545 and for an individual, $6,251.

While many people believe that employers pay for their health insurance, economists have shown over and over that it is workers who pay for the higher fringe benefit through lower wages. Thus, if health insurance costs and premiums go up, workers will see even more anemic pay raises. In addition, as health care costs go up, people have less money to purchase other goods and services, lowering growth in other parts of the economy.

Finally, as health care costs go up, so does government health care spending in Medicare, Medicaid and subsidies provided to people purchasing in the exchanges. Through taxes, Americans pay for higher federal and state government spending on health care.

If there is to be reform of the Cadillac tax, a responsible approach could be to limit the financial benefits of the tax exclusion to $2,000 (or less) for households making over $250,000 and totally eliminate it for households making over $1 million. This would raise additional revenue that could be used to soften the impact of the Cadillac tax on less well-off Americans.

The public is complaining bitterly about the growing out-of-pocket expenses for health care. This is a big problem, largely driven by employers who are shifting costs through higher premiums and more deductibles to their workers. The best way to lower out-of-pocket costs is to rid our health care system of inefficiency and waste.

Ezekiel J. Emanuel is vice provost at the University of Pennsylvania and author of "Reinventing American Health Care." Bob Kocher is a partner at Venrock, a venture capital firm. Both worked in the White House on the Affordable Care Act.

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Posted: October 2, 2015 Friday 03:21 AM